Results for 'por Aníbal D'Angelo Rodríguez'

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  1. El concepto de formación en Hans Georg Gadamer: entre la familiaridad y el extrañamiento.Aníbal Rodríguez Silva - 2000 - Apuntes Filosóficos 16.
    Desde nuestro punto de vista, el concepto de formación ocupa un lugar central en la especulación filosófica gadameriana como un gran árbol desde cuyo tronco se esparce a través de toda su obra las nociones fundamentales de la hermenéutica, como por ejemplo la conciencia bien formada. O la capacidad del lenguaje de formar conceptos. El objetivo gadameriano,en el primer capítulo de Verdad y método (1960), es dorar al concepto de formación de un estatuto epistemológico que le permita desarrollar una nueva (...)
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  2. Lanceros, Patxi Theft of the future. Borders, Fear, Crisis, Madrid: Catarata.Valerio D'Angelo - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (14):189-193.
    Hay un proverbio que circula en algunos países europeos que dice: “el futuro es un mal recuerdo del presente”. Esta expresión, algo paradójica, cobra un sentido claro a la luz de la lectura del último trabajo de Patxi Lanceros, profesor de filosofía política y teoría de la cultura en la Universidad de Deusto. En El robo del futuro, el autor trata de reflexionar, lucida y sosegadamente, acerca de alguno de los fenómenos políticos más acuciantes de nuestros tiempos; de la emergencia (...)
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  3. La enciclopedia en la historia.por Aníbal D'Angelo Rodríguez - 1983 - In Patricio H. Randle, La Enciclopedia y el enciclopedismo. Buenos Aires: Oikos Asociación para la Promoción de los Estudios Territoriales y Ambientales.
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    Os anéis de Saturno. O instinto enciclopédico de W.G.Sebald | The Rings of Saturn. The encyclopedic instinct in W. G. Sebald. [REVIEW]Biagio D'Angelo - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (2):61-82.
    No romance de W.G. Sebald, Os anéis de Saturno (Die Ringe des Saturn: Eine englische Wallfahrt, 1995), o narrador, a partir da descrição de certos lugares de Suffolk, reconstrói acontecimentos históricos e biografias, relata entrevistas, apresenta e menciona obras e lugares, correlacionando tempos e espaços que várias vezes estão muito distantes uns dos outros. Essas aparentes digressões labirínticas ligam-se à história principal de uma forma ou de outra. A nossa hipótese é a de que Os anéis de Saturno possui uma (...)
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    Derechos humanos, vulnerabilidad y pandemia.María Isolina Dabove, Eugenia D’Angelo, Agostina Carla Hernández Bologna, Francisco Bariffi, Hernán Schapiro, Mariana Guadalupe Catanzaro Román & Dolores Neira - 2020 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 34:168-196.
    Este trabajo presenta seis ponencias en torno a los problemas que atraviesan distintos sectores de la población en situación de vulnerabilidad social en el goce de sus derechos humanos en el contexto de la pandemia global de COVID-19. Las exposiciones reflexionan sobre los prejuicios y vulnerabilidades que atraviesan las personas adultas mayores; las violencias de género en contextos de aislamiento; las personas en contextos de movilidad excluidas de las medidas de protección; el tratamiento y priorización de las personas con discapacidad (...)
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  6. Arno Münter, espérance, reve, utopie dans la pensée D' ernst Bloch, París, L’harmattan, 2015, 193P.Aníbal Pineda Canabal - 2015 - Escritos 23 (51):527-535.
    Valeroso ha sido el esfuerzo de Arno Münster, filósofo franco-alemán, profesor de la Universidad de Amiens, por hacer conocer la obra de Ernst Bloch. Esta lucha, larga de muchos años de enseñanza e investigación, a veces solitaria, a veces a contracorriente de ciertas tendencias dominantes en la filosofía universitaria continental europea, se materializa una vez más con ocasión de la publicación de su último libro que reagrupa de una serie de conferencias de diverso contenido temático sobre el pensamiento de Bloch, (...)
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  7. Benito Feijoo et les lu mières espag noles: aperçu historique d'un projet frustré.Aníbal Pineda Canabal - 2013 - Escritos 21 (47):369-394.
    A través de un largo excurso por la historia de España, el autor se propone descubrir la particularidad de la Ilustración en el país ibérico para desmontar la tesis según la cual, aquende los Pirineos, no hubo propiamente un Siglo de las Luces, y por lo tanto, tampoco una auténtica filosofía moderna. Presenta en un segundo momento la figura intelectual del padre Benito Feijoo como ejemplo paradigmático de lo que fue la Ilustración española y su diferencia con el Enlightement inglés, (...)
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  8. Plegaria a marte, texto latino conforme a la división en versos Y estrofas Del profesor Angelo Mercado (2004).Andrés Rodríguez Cumplido - 2008 - Escritos 16 (36):283-298.
    Este artículo analiza un poema en latín arcaico, la Plegaria a Marte, escrito al comienzo del periodo republicano por Catón en el De Agri Cultura 141.2-3, pero generalmente considerada antigua ya en la época del orador; porque la Plegaria es considerada una de las obras propias de la poesía indoeuropea desde los trabajos de Benveniste y Dumezil.
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    El I+D+ i y el Observatorio Tecnológico de Defensa.José María Riola Rodríguez - 2014 - Arbor 190 (765):a101.
    Este artículo ofrece una visión sobre cómo el mundo de la defensa se adapta a la evolución existente en su entorno, tanto a la evolución de las tecnologías como a las necesidades y oportunidades de aplicación de estas a los intereses de defensa. Así, se destaca cómo el futuro ya no pasa tanto por el descubrimiento y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, sino por el aprovechamiento y aplicación de los desarrollos civiles para defensa. Es labor del Ministerio de Defensa, no solo (...)
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    Filosofia e Religião no Criacionismo de Leonardo Coimbra.Ângelo Alves - 1995 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 51 (1):87 - 120.
    O artigo começa por apresentar o quadro formal das relações entre Filosofia e Religião, que pode reduzir-se atrês hipóteses: Filosofia religiosa, Religião filosóficaeFilosofiadaReligião.Completa este quadro com a definição de Religião defendida por Juan Martín Velasco e a concepção dialéctica de experiência religiosa de Cario Cantone. Descreve seguidamente o tratamento dado à Religião e o lugar que ela ocupa no sistema criacionista de Leonardo Coimbra, que é, gnosiologicamente, um idealismo sintético e dialéctico e, ontologicamente, uma monadologia espiritualista, uma metafísica moral e (...)
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    Six ontological topics: a Dialogue with D. M. Armstrong.Juan Rodríguez Larreta - 2003 - Análisis Filosófico 23 (1):5-12.
    Este texto surge de un intercambio epistolar mantenido con David Armstrong a propósito de su libro Universals. An Opinionated lntroduction. Se presenta en forma de diálogo y ha sido dividido en seis temas. El primero trata el problema de si las diferentes teorías ontológicas, al postular diferentes relaciones básicas, se hallan también en diferentes condiciones para afrontar el argumento del regreso infinito planteado por Bradley. El segundo presenta una duda. Los universales que postula Armstrong, tales como masa, carga electromagnética, etc., (...)
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    Libertad de Tener Que Elegir Determinadamente.Denisse Campos Rodriguez - 2019 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 9 (18):37-46.
    El presente escrito es un pequeño esbozo donde se argumentará a favor de la teoría del compatibilismo que David Hume desarrolla en su obra Investigación sobre el conocimiento humano. De este modo, explicaremos las concepciones de libertad, necesidad y causalidad que el filósofo escocés utiliza para la consolidación de su teoría.Aunado a esto, en el primer apartado del ensayo, expondremos los factores que el mismo D. Hume justifica para una verdadera conciliación entre el determinismo y la libertad y, la importancia (...)
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    Scientifically Together, Politically Apart? Epistemological Literacy Predicts Updating on Contested Science Issues.Hugo Viciana, Aníbal Astobiza, Angelo Fasce & Ivar R. Hannikainen - 2024 - Science & Education:1-24.
    Science education is generally perceived as a key facilitator in cultivating a scientifically literate society. In the last decade, however, this conventional wisdom has been challenged by evidence that greater scientific literacy and critical thinking skills may in fact inadvertently aggravate polarization on scientific matters in the public sphere. Supporting an alternative “scientific update hypothesis,” in a series of studies (total N = 2087), we show that increased science’s epistemology literacy might have consequential population-level effects on the public’s alignment with (...)
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    Veturia en el Perigynaecon: la defensa de la patria como valor femenino en Mario Equicola.Francisco José Rodríguez Mesa - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:57-65.
    En 1501, Mario Equicola concluye el _Perigynaecon_, la única obra filógina que el humanista de Alvito compondría en toda su vida. Este tratado se idea con una clara finalidad instrumental, pues el autor deseaba entrar al servicio de Isabella d’Este, marquesa consorte de Mantua. Precisamente por ello, tras cada uno de los argumentos que Equicola presenta y detrás de cada una de las mujeres ejemplares que menciona para ensalzar el valor femenino a lo largo de la historia se pueden establecer (...)
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    Comparativa de las ventajas de los sistemas hidropónicos como alternativas agrícolas en zonas urbanas.Vanessa Albuja, Juan Andrade, Carlos Lucano & Michelle Rodriguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):45-54.
    Este trabajo surge a partir de la investigación general de las técnicas hidropónicas teniendo en cuenta sus ventajas y desventajas para de esta forma poder encontrar aquel factor determinante a través de una comparación de técnicas hidropónicas que permitan clasificarlas y escoger la mejor opción que genere menos impacto ambiental negativo y demuestre ser más productivo en los entornos urbanos. Adicionalmente, un factor determinante en las ciudades es su espacio limitado por lo que la mejor opción también deberá incluir un (...)
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    How do people use ‘killing’, ‘letting die’ and related bioethical concepts? Contrasting descriptive and normative hypotheses.David Rodríguez-Arias, Blanca Rodríguez López, Anibal Monasterio-Astobiza & Ivar R. Hannikainen - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (5):509-518.
    Bioethicists involved in end‐of‐life debates routinely distinguish between ‘killing’ and ‘letting die’. Meanwhile, previous work in cognitive science has revealed that when people characterize behaviour as either actively ‘doing’ or passively ‘allowing’, they do so not purely on descriptive grounds, but also as a function of the behaviour’s perceived morality. In the present report, we extend this line of research by examining how medical students and professionals (N = 184) and laypeople (N = 122) describe physicians’ behaviour in end‐of‐life scenarios. (...)
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    La mortalidad adolescente más allá de las causas externas. Un análisis en Argentina en los trienios 2005-2007 y 2015-2017. [REVIEW]Eleonora Rojas Cabrera, Andrés Peranovich, Santiago Rodríguez López & Natalia Tumas - 2021 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 27:249-275.
    Este trabajo analiza, desde una perspectiva sociodemográfica, el comportamiento de la mortalidad adolescente en Argentina, más allá de las causas externas, en los trienios 2005-2007 y 2015-2017. Para ello, se calculan y analizan tasas de mortalidad por sexo, grupo de edad, causas seleccionadas y regiones geográficas, con base en datos de la Dirección de Estadística e Información de Salud de la Nación y del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos. También se calculan el Coeficiente de Gini y los Años de (...)
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  18. The phenomenology of embodied attention.Diego D’Angelo - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (5):961-978.
    This paper aims to conceptualize the phenomenology of attentional experience as ‘embodied attention.’ Current psychological research, in describing attentional experiences, tends to apply the so-called spotlight metaphor, according to which attention is characterized as the illumination of certain surrounding objects or events. In this framework, attention is not seen as involving our bodily attitudes or modifying the way we experience those objects and events. It is primarily conceived as a purely mental and volitional activity of the cognizing subject. Against this (...)
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  19.  37
    The Foundations of Alterity. Husserl on Referencing and Indicating.Diego D'Angelo - 2013 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 10:53.
  20. Emotional Experience and the Senses.Lorenza D'Angelo - 2022 - Philosophers' Imprint 22 (20).
    This paper investigates the nature of emotional experience in relation to the senses, and it defends the thesis that emotional experience is partly non-sensory. In §1 I introduce my reader to the debate. I reconstruct a position I call ‘restrictivism’ and motivate it as part of a reductive approach to mind’s place in nature. Drawing on intuitive but insightful remarks on the nature of sensation from Plato, I map out the conditions under which the restrictivist thesis is both substantive and (...)
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  21. A Study of Perennial Philosophy and Psychedelic Experience, with a Proposal to Revise W. T. Stace’s Core Characteristics of Mystical Experience.Ed D'Angelo - manuscript
    A Study of Perennial Philosophy and Psychedelic Experience, with a Proposal to Revise W. T. Stace’s Core Characteristics of Mystical Experience ©Ed D’Angelo 2018 -/- Abstract -/- According to the prevailing paradigm in psychedelic research today, when used within an appropriate set and setting, psychedelics can reliably produce an authentic mystical experience. According to the prevailing paradigm, an authentic mystical experience is one that possesses the common or universal characteristics of mystical experience as identified by the philosopher W. T. Stace (...)
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  22.  13
    Zeichenhorizonte: semiotische Strukturen in Husserls Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung.Diego D’Angelo - 2019 - Cham: Springer.
    In diesem Band deckt Diego D'Angelo semiotische Strukturen in der Husserl’schen Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung auf. Ist es der Phänomenologie darum zu tun, die Erfahrung von Dingen in unserer Umwelt zu beschreiben, so ist dabei der Begriff des Horizontes von zentraler Bedeutung: Was wir unmittelbar wahrnehmen, verweist immer schon auf anderes, was nur „mitgegeben“ ist. Wenn wir Dinge wahrnehmen, haben wir nur eine bestimmte Perspektive, d.h. wir sehen lediglich einen Aspekt. Aber wir nehmen immer ganze Gegenstände wahr (wir sehen Tische (...)
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    A Phenomenology of Creative Attention.Diego D'Angelo - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):100-117.
    This paper develops the concept of ‘creative attention’. Against classical theories that understand attention as a spotlight that brings objects into focus, I will argue that attention is a complex phenomenon structured in different layers. The most basic layer is perceptual, passive and pre-predicative: at this level, attention is creative – and this is the central claim of this paper – because it institutes meanings and rules for our behaviour.
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    The Teaching of Critical Thinking.Edward D'Angelo - 1971 - B.R. Gruner Publishing Company.
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    Who is Phoenix?Roberto D'Angelo - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):753-754.
    "Some patients find it difficult to be in the present because they are stuck in the past; others, by contrast, struggle to remain connected with the past and are suspended in a so-called present that is effectively atemporal, that is out of time”.1 For psychoanalysts, the most profound and ultimately ethical way that we can help individuals, is by helping them know themselves. This involves discovering how they were shaped by their past and how their ongoing self-experience cannot be understood (...)
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    Die Schwelle des Lebe-Wesens.Diego D’Angelo - 2012 - Studia Phaenomenologica 12:61-83.
    One of Heidegger’s most important descriptions of bodily existence can be found in his Nietzsche lectures. This paper aims to elucidate this “metaphysics of the body” both in relation to Heidegger’s Leibniz-interpretation in the later Marburg lectures as well as in the context of his later thought. Leibniz and Nietzsche are Heidegger’s points of departure in the attempt to think the difference between θεωρία and πραξις beyond Being and Time: It is only by understanding their relationship, through a radical re-thinking (...)
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    Estetica.Paolo D'Angelo - 2011 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Sprezzatura: concealing the effort of art from Aristotle to Duchamp.Paolo D'Angelo - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Paolo D'Angelo.
    Concealment -- Part of eloquence is to hide eloquence -- The concealed ornament -- Art or nature? -- In the garden -- Iki -- Those who cannot dissimulate cannot rule either -- True eloquence mocks eloquence -- Ready-mades.
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    Addict to win? A different approach to doping.Carlos D'Angelo & Claudio Tamburrini - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):700-707.
    Traditionally the doping debate has been dominated by those who want to see doping forbidden (the prohibitionist view) and those who want to see it permitted (the ban abolitionist view). In this article, the authors analyse a third position starting from the assertion that doping use is a symptom of the paradigm of highly competitive elite sports, in the same way as addictions reflect current social paradigms in wider society. Based upon a conceptual distinction between occasional use, habitual use and (...)
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    La tirannia delle emozioni.Paolo D'Angelo - 2020 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  31. L'opera d'arte come ricerca e come riuscita. La considerazione dinamica del processo artistico in tre estetiche postcrociane.P. D'Angelo - 1983 - Rivista di Estetica 23:13.
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  32. The History and Philosophy of the Postwar American Counterculture: Anarchy, the Beats and the Psychedelic Transformation of Consciousness.Ed D'Angelo - manuscript
    This is a greatly expanded version of my article "Anarchism and the Beats," which was published in the book, The Philosophy of the Beats, by the University Press of Kentucky in 2012. It is both an historical and a philosophical analysis of the postwar American counterculture. It charts the historical origins of the postwar American counterculture from the anarchists and romantic poets of the early nineteenth century to a complex network of beat poets and pacifist anarchists in the early decades (...)
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    L'estetica di Benedetto Croce.Paolo D'Angelo - 1982 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Implementing flexibility in automaticity: Evidence from context-specific implicit sequence learning.Maria C. D’Angelo, Bruce Milliken, Luis Jiménez & Juan Lupiáñez - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):64-81.
    Attention is often dichotomized into controlled vs. automatic processing, where controlled processing is slow, flexible, and intentional, and automatic processing is fast, inflexible, and unintentional. In contrast to this strict dichotomy, there is mounting evidence for context-specific processes that are engaged rapidly yet are also flexible. In the present study we extend this idea to the domain of implicit learning to examine whether flexibility in automatic processes can be implemented through the reliance on contextual features. Across three experiments we show (...)
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    Movements of the Mind. A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action by Wayne Wu (review).Diego D'Angelo - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):734-735.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Movements of the Mind. A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action by Wayne WuDiego D’AngeloWU, Wayne. Movements of the Mind. A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. 257 pp. Cloth, $80.00Wayne Wu presented a theory of attention as selection-for-action in 2014. According to this theory, given a behavioral space in which the agent has multiple inputs and outputs to choose from, attention involves (...)
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    Supporting autonomy in young people with gender dysphoria: psychotherapy is not conversion therapy.Roberto D'Angelo - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):3-9.
    Opinion is divided about the certainty of the evidence base for gender-affirming medical interventions in youth. Proponents claim that these treatments are well supported, while critics claim the poor-quality evidence base warrants extreme caution. Psychotherapy is one of the only available alternatives to the gender-affirming approach. Discussion of the treatment of gender dysphoria in young people is generally framed in terms of two binary approaches: affirmation or conversion. Psychotherapy/exploratory therapy offers a treatment option that lies outside this binary, although it (...)
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    Sensibilité, intuition et art dans l’ Estetica de 1902.Paolo D’Angelo - 2024 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 310 (4):11-26.
    L’essai vise à reconstruire dans l’ Estetica come scienza dell’espressione e linguistica generale de Croce de 1902 la relation complexe entre les concepts d’intuition, d’expression et de sensibilité. Pour Croce, l’activité esthétique semble toujours osciller entre une forme de connaissance et une productivité qui trouve dans la matérialité du médium expressif (en particulier l’art) sa propre façon d’apparaître au niveau sensible.
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  38. Anarchism and the Beats.Ed D’Angelo - 2012 - In Sharin N. Elkholy, The Philosophy of the Beats. The University Press of Kentucky. pp. 227-242.
    The paper charts both the interpersonal connections between historical anarchist figures and the beat poets as well as the philosophical similarities between them. Almost all the beat poets were anarchists, though their politics was secondary to their attempts to transform consciousness. Among the anarchists, the romantic socialist Gustav Landauer, who was especially popular in post-war American anarchist circles, came closest to the political perspective of the beat poets. Like the beats, Landauer was a poet, a pacifist, an anarchist, a communitarian, (...)
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    Das Zeichen in Heideggers Hölderlin-Interpretation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Hymne Der Ister.Diego D’Angelo - 2024 - Heidegger Studies 40 (1):9-28.
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    Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Solger, Erwin. Quattro dialoghi sul bello e sull’arte.Paolo D’Angelo - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 32:203-204.
    Fino a vent’anni fa il nome di Solger, uno dei pensatori più significativi del Romanticismo tedesco, certo il più sistematico e filosoficamente attrezzato tra i protagonisti di quella grande stagione, era noto in Italia, anche fra gli studiosi di estetica, quasi soltanto per la menzione che delle sue teorie viene fatta nelle Lezioni di Estetica di Hegel. Nel giro di pochi anni, però, la situazione è radicalmente cambiata. Sono state tradotte le sue Lezioni di estetica, apparse postume nel 182...
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    The Problem Of Freedom And Determinism.Edward D'Angelo - 1968 - Columbia: University Of Missouri Press.
  42.  19
    Arte e società nell’estetica dell’idealismo italiano.Paolo D’Angelo - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 81:93-105.
    The theme of the relationship between art and society is certainly not a central topic in the aesthetic reflection of Italian neo-idealism. Neither in Croce nor in Gentile it is ever discussed at length, and the few writings in which it is addressed are brief and polemically oriented. This essay, however, proposes to discuss the few hints present in Croce and Gentile on this subject. First, the debate on the materialistic interpretation of history will be examined, to which both Croce (...)
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  43. Memories of my Father, Thomas Marx Dreyer Kruger.Amanda D'Angelo - 2009 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 9 (2):1-4.
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  44. The Problem of Freedom and Determinism.Edward D'angelo - 1968 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 4 (3):193-195.
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    Tip-of-the-tongue states reoccur because of implicit learning, but resolving them helps.Maria C. D’Angelo & Karin R. Humphreys - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):166-190.
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    Menschenoptimierung und Wissenschaft.Diego D'Angelo - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2020 (2):195-198.
    Kevin Liggieri, »Anthropotechnik«. Zur Geschichte eines umstrittenen Begriffs, Konstanz: Konstanz University Press 2020.
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    William James on Attention. Folk Psychology, Actions, and Intentions.Diego D’Angelo - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (2):163-176.
    This paper addresses three main concerns about William James’s understanding of attention. In the first section, I will consider the question whether or not James’s famous claim that “every one kno...
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    Neuer Realismus und Phänomenologie. Einleitung der Herausgeber.Diego D'Angelo & Nikola Mirkovic - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy:7-14.
    New Realism and Phenomenology: Editor's Introduction.
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    Re-examining the role of context in implicit sequence learning.Maria C. D’Angelo, Bruce Milliken, Luis Jiménez & Juan Lupiáñez - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:172-193.
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    Better bounds on the adaptivity gap of influence maximization under full-adoption feedback.Gianlorenzo D'Angelo, Debashmita Poddar & Cosimo Vinci - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 318 (C):103895.
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